Example 1

This example uses the post slider with a thumbnail image set to left aligned. Best for viewing on large and medium devices.


By Michael Davis | September 23, 2016 |

  Example 1 In this example, we’re displaying a simple image file with a link back to this post. Example 2 In this example, we’re displaying the same image but adding lightbox functionality when clicked. Example 3 In this example, we’re displaying a photo along with the image caption. You can choose to show the caption…

Text Editor

By Michael Davis | September 23, 2016

Example 1 In this example, we’re using the text editor to place paragraph text and headlines. Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula felis ut purus porta, nec fringilla tellus varius. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc pharetra nibh neque, in egestas lorem…


By Michael Davis | September 23, 2016

Example 1 This is a self-hosted mp4 file that is set to loop once you have started the video. Example 2 This is a Vimeo embed. Unlike the self-hosted option, there are no settings within the Beaver Builder video module to allow for the video to start automatically or loop indefinitely.


By Michael Davis | September 29, 2016 |

Example 1 A standard solid button with a 4x rounded corner. This button has a transition animation that initiates when the user hovers over the button. The button width is set to auto. CLICK ME Example 2 This is the same button but we’ve set the width to 200px. CLICK ME Example 3 A full width…


By Michael Davis | September 23, 2016

Example 1 Using standard HTML such as this form markup produces the form shown below. Enter names in the fields, then click “Submit” to submit the form: First name: Last name: Example 2 By adding JavaScript to the HTML module, we can add functions to the markup to perform certain actions. This examples displays an alert…


By Michael Davis | September 24, 2016 |

Example 1 Separators can act as simple dividers between content. In this example, we make a single line to divide two examples. Example 2 In this example, we’ve created a dashed line, increased the separator’s width to 5px and changed the colour to yellow. Example 3 In this example, we’ve increased the separator’s width to 15px…


By Michael Davis | September 22, 2016 |

Example 1 – Self Hosted mp3 Thirteen Thirtyfive by Dillon from the album The Silence Kills. Downloaded free from Last.fm Example 2 – URL Streaming Vivaldi: Autumn from The Four Seasons streaming from mfiles.co.uk

Example 2

If you prefer that your featured image occupies the entire background of the post, select 'background' from the featured image options. Here we've added a left aligned post title and included the content with a blue background. Good for large and medium devices.


By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

Example 1 In this example we’re showing a slider of testimonials with a customised header. Awesome feedback from our customers What an awesome experience this has been. Our day out hot air ballooning will never be forgotten! We’ll always cherish our night-time hot air balloon experience! Thank you team for a wonderful time. Example 2…

Call to Action

By Michael Davis | September 24, 2016 |

  Example 1 In this example, we’re showing the default ‘in-line’ call to action with a standard headline, description and right aligned button. Ready to find out more? Drop us a line today for a free quote! Click Here Example 2 Here we have opted for a background colour for a stacked version of the CTA…

Call Out

By Michael Davis | September 24, 2016 |

Example 1 In this example, we show a call out with a left aligned icon and H3 heading text. Do something today The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images…

Contact Form

By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

Example 1   This is the default form option with name, email and message fields shown. Example 2 This example would be used to collect names and phone numbers for a support call back form. The form includes name, subject and phone number field and excludes the email field. The button has been styled accordingly. Example…


By Michael Davis | September 24, 2016 |

  Example 1 In this first example, the accordion is set with default options, showing only the label and a light grey surrounding box. If you open subsequent accordion rows, the others will remain open. Accordion Label 1 This is the accordion content. You add content using a standard WordPress text editor. Using the editor…

Posts Carousel

By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

Example 1 In this example, we’re displaying all of our posts and limiting them to 3 per row. You can set the number of posts displayed by manipulating the post width. In order to progress to the next slide, you would need to click on the dot indicators. Example 2 This is a gallery carousel with…


By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

  Example 1 The default number counter shows days, hours, minutes and seconds. There are no options to display years. The number counter is always centrally placed in the column or row.   Day Hour Minute Second Example 2 Change the number and text size and colour and add a separator between them. Day Hour…


By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

  Example 1 This is the default map displayed with 400px height. Example 2 This map is shown with a 200px height.


By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

Example 1 This example shows a simple icon with right aligned text. Text is controlled through the WordPress editor so you can set it as a heading or paragraph text accordingly Example 2 In this example, we’re using an icon on its own – the icon is coloured white with a blue circular background. Backgrounds…

Pricing Table

By Michael Davis | September 25, 2016 |

  Example 1 The default pricing boxes with the pricing row highlighted. Item 1 $20 per Onth Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Get Started Item 2 $35 per month Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Get Started Example 2 In this example, we’re placing more emphasis on item 2. Item 1 $20 per month…

Example 3

This is a similar example but in this case, we've moved the content to the bottom of the post slider and added arrows to navigate. Good for large and medium devices.


By Michael Davis

Example 1 In ‘Thumbs’ mode, the gallery module will display the thumbnail version of your images. In this example, our thumbnails are set to 150 x 150px in the media library image settings. If you change this to say, 200 x 200px, BB will display that size of image in the gallery module. Example 2 In this…


By Michael Davis

  Example 1 In this example were showing cropped images with a ‘Ken Burns’ effect and fade transition. Slide show starts automatically and we’re handing all controls. This is a good solution for full width rows too. Example 2 Here’s we showing the same slide show but with all controls enabled on hover. This slideshow…

Posts Slider

By Michael Davis

  Example 1 This example uses the post slider with a thumbnail image set to left aligned. Best for viewing on large and medium devices. Example 2 If you prefer that your featured image occupies the entire background of the post, select ‘background’ from the featured image options. Here we’ve added a left aligned post title and…


By Michael Davis

  Example 1 The default number counter shows days, hours, minutes and seconds. There are no options to display years. The number counter is always centrally placed in the column or row.   Day Hour Minute Second Example 2 Change the number and text size and colour and add a separator between them. Day Hour…

Icon Group

By Michael Davis

  Example 1 A simple icon group showing a draining battery. In this example, the 4 icons are left aligned, sized at 40px with 30px between them and coloured yellow. Example 2 Within the Icon Group modules individual icon settings is a style tab to assign colours to each icon. In this example the American Express,…

Number Counter

By Michael Davis

Example 1 A simple percentage counter… Go 100% End Example 2 Add prefix and suffix text to your counter. This example is showing a count up to 100 timed over 100 seconds. Count up to 100 Start –100– End Over 100 seconds Example 3 Add a circular indicator and slow down the counter to represent,…


By Michael Davis

Example 1 In this example we’re showing a slider of testimonials with a customised header. Awesome feedback from our customers What an awesome experience this has been. Our day out hot air ballooning will never be forgotten! We’ll always cherish our night-time hot air balloon experience! Thank you team for a wonderful time. Example 2…

Content Slider

By Michael Davis

Example 1 This is the default image slider  set to show only images as slide backgrounds. If your images have different height dimensions, the slider will automatically crop them to the slider height size. Example 2 This example shows the content slider headline and text followed by a call to action button and a right…

Call Out

By Michael Davis

Example 1 In this example, we show a call out with a left aligned icon and H3 heading text. Do something today The standard call-out box includes a Heading and description text much like the Call to action module. However, with the call out module you have a few extra features to use such adding images…

Pricing Table

By Michael Davis

  Example 1 The default pricing boxes with the pricing row highlighted. Item 1 $20 per Onth Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Get Started Item 2 $35 per month Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Get Started Example 2 In this example, we’re placing more emphasis on item 2. Item 1 $20 per month…

[beaver_tunnels] [/beaver_tunnels]

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