custom post types

Custom post type templates in Beaver Builder

By Michael Davis / July 21, 2016 /

Silent movies are often the best and this example from Thierry Pigot is no exception. In this video, Thierry creates a Beaver Builder template that displays the post title, subtitle, featured image, post content and two ACF custom fields using a feature of his upcoming Ultimate Beaver plugin. Displaying Fields The plugin will make it a…

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Add taxonomies to a custom post type in Beaver Builder

By Michael Davis / July 9, 2016 /

Thanks to Julie Wolpers on the Beaver Builder Facebook Group page, I was able to figure out how to get this issue resolved: Beaver Builder always show a summary of the Categories and tags associated with your post at the bottom of the single post, circled in yellow below: However when you create a custom…

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Using Advanced Custom Fields and Beaver Tunnels to build re-usable templates

By Michael Davis / July 4, 2016 /

If you publish information on your website that requires additional metadata over and above the standard post content, title and featured image, then you might consider creating custom posts types, custom fields and templates for your site. The standard WordPress post editor has placeholders for the post title, content and featured image. But what if…

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