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Accordian Pro Styles

Give your standard Beaver Builder accordions a refresh with ‘Accordion Pro Styles’. There are 20 additional styles available to give your accordions a unique look.

This is a series of stylesheets that you add to your own CSS stylesheets, either in the global or layout CSS fields. No plugins or add-ons to install.

  1. Hugues on August 15, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Very helpful, thank you for your work. Also a good opportunity to learn a bit more css. 🙂

    I’m using style 4 to great effect, now i just need to figure out how to change the header background colour between open and closed items…

  2. ian on August 15, 2016 at 7:08 pm

    You may want to check out the Facebook group for answers about headers. Lots of helpful stuff there about that and also check out ProBeavers Facebook page too for lots of other delicious goodies! Check the link to probeaver’s info page on the right…

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